Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Danielle has joined us on an internship with UCLan. Follow her Community Archaeology Journey over the next few weeks...

For those of you who haven't heard, I am Danielle and this summer I have the privilege to work with the Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership as a Community Archaeology Intern. I'm going into my third year studying for a Masters of Science in Archaeology at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston having decided four years ago to change my career.

My role this summer involves planning activities and events around the Pendle Hill Landscape which explores the rich archaeological history of the area and highlight local opportunities for people to take part in community archaeology projects. With a focus on the locale and community involvement, I have been designing an array of different activities for different people to take part in.

With the help of Rebecca, the Community Archaeologist from NAA who works with Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership, Jayne from PHLP, and Alison from The Ernest Cook Trust, I was able to run an event at Portfield Hillfort on private land near Whalley as my first venture into public outreach.

Three high schools from the local area came in a series of sessions where they were able to handle real archaeological artefacts, take part in discussions about archaeology and career opportunities, and even use an app on a tablet to map part of the fort itself and explore the methods and techniques archaeologists use to recognise and identify 'invisible' archaeology.

It was a great experience, and I would like to thank all the volunteers who came to assist to put on this event, and I would like to thank the landowners for being so accommodating and allowing us to spend a day and a half in their back garden on one of the oldest known archaeological sites in Lancashire!

Over the next few weeks we will be hosting some more outreach sessions, introducing as many different local people to archaeology and showing that there is more to archaeology than just digging! Look out for us at the Clitheroe Food Festival on 10th August, and at the Pendle Parks Summer series events on 12th and 14th August. 

Stay tuned for more over the next few weeks!

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